SGB se enorgullece en anunciar a los siguientes Super Lawyers y Rising Stars

Super Lawyers

Adam Berger  Berger       Tom Breen  Breen  Martin Garfinkel  Garfinkel

Kathy Goater  Goater  Lindsay Halm  Halm      Kristin Houser  Houser

Jeff Robinson  Robinson    Rebecca Roe  Roe Sims Weymuller   Weymuller

Sandy Widlan  Widlan        Janet Rice  Rice    William Rutzick  Rutzick

Rising Stars

Anne Kysar  Kysar         Brit Mercer Mercer   Linda Worthington Worthington

¡Muchos líderes! ¡Un equipo!

SGB crea nueva ley en casos de asbesto

El 3 de marzo de 2014, el Tribunal de Apelaciones de Washington emitió una opinión favorable a las personas trabajadoras expuestas al asbesto. En el caso Farrow v. Flowserve USA, Inc., manejado por los abogados de juicio de asbesto de SGB, Kristin Houser, Tom Breen y Bill Rutzick, la División I revocó la decisión de un tribunal de primera instancia que inicialmente favorecía al demandado corporativo Flowserve. El nuevo caso publicado es importante porque sostiene que siempre y cuando otros demandados corporativos tengan un motivo similar al examinar a un testigo adverso, el testimonio del testigo se puede utilizar contra un demandado corporativo que, por cualquier motivo, no asistió a la primera deposición. La parte que desee utilizar el testimonio debe demostrar que quienes estuvieron presentes en la deposición tenían un motivo similar (por ejemplo, desacreditar al testigo) al que aquellos que no asistieron a la deposición habrían tenido.

No hay duda: cuando se trata de establecer buenas leyes en casos de asbesto en Washington, ningún otro despacho de abogados tiene el historial como SGB. Como el despacho de abogados con más antigüedad defendiendo los derechos de las víctimas de mesotelioma en Washington, esta victoria es particularmente gratificante. En una era en la que los despachos de abogados de asbesto recorren el mundo buscando casos de mesotelioma, nosotros nos conformamos con hacer lo que hacemos mejor: representar a las víctimas de mesotelioma que viven aquí mismo en el estado de Washington, nuestro hogar.

SGB Attorneys honor Hyatt boycott rather than receive award

Washington State Labor Council’s Internet Newspaper, The Stand, commends Schroeter Goldmark & Bender attorneys Adam Berger, Kristin Houser, Rebecca Roe and William Rutzick for not attending the WSBA awards dinner to honor the Hyatt boycott.

Read the entire article

WSBA Award of Merit – SGB attorneys Adam Berger, Kristin Houser, Rebecca Roe and William Rutzick

Schroeter Goldmark & Bender attorneys Adam Berger, Kristin Houser, Rebecca Roe and William Rutzick received the WSBA Award of Merit for their pro bono work representing Governor Gregoire in support of the Affordable Care Act.  Their briefing on the Healthcare Case was recognized by the Supreme Court justices in their final decision.

View the WSBA video here:  

Gov. Gregoire called & SGB responded: Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg quotes SGB brief in the Affordable Care Act decision.

On June 28, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. SGB is honored to have participated in this historic decision by representing Washington’s Governor, Christine Gregoire, as amicus curiae (friend of the court) in the case.

View Governor Christine Gregoire Press Conference here.

La Gobernadora Gregoire reconoce a los abogados de SGB por su trabajo redactando memoriales amicus en su nombre apoyando la Ley del Cuidado de Salud a Bajo Precio

La Gobernadora Chris Gregoire dio un “agradecimiento” especial al despacho de abogados de Schroeter Goldmark & Bender y a sus abogados por sus incansables esfuerzos para defender la ley. En la foto, de izquierda a derecha: Rebecca Roe, William Rutzick, Gobernadora Gregoire, Adam Berger, Kristin Houser y Ann O’Neil (asistente legal de SGB).

Gregoire Statement on Amicus Brief
SGB Team with Gov  Gregoire

SGB Attorneys Win Fight to Protect Increase in Washington State Minimum Wage Rate

SGB attorneys Martin Garfinkel, Adam Berger, Bill Rutzick, and Lindsay Halm representing the Washington Department of Labor and Industries and its Director Judy Schurke, were successful in defeating an effort by the Washington Farm Bureau, the Washington Restaurant Association, and the Washington Retail Association seeking to overturn L&I’s decision to increase the state minimum wage rate from $8.55 per hour to $8.67 per hour based on the provisions of RCW 49.46.020. SGB had been hired by the state to defend L&I because Attorney General Rob McKenna had advised against the increase. On behalf of L&I, SGB argued that the law mandated the $.12 per hour increase due to inflation over the past year. The business groups contended that no increase should be ordered until the national consumer price index exceeds its August 2008 level. Kittitas Superior Court Judge Scott Sparks upheld L&I’s decision, and as a result, the increase in the minimum wage will go into effect as planned on January 1, 2011.

Asbestos Awareness Day 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010 marks the sixth Annual Asbestos Awareness Day.
Asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma are among the terrible illnesses caused by exposure to asbestos dust and fiber. Since 1979, Schroeter, Goldmark & Bender has handled well over 1,000 asbestos injury cases, more than 325 of which were mesothelioma cases. Each new asbestos injury case furthers our resolve to fight for compensation for our clients against manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of asbestos-containing products. We have also been fighting against legislation that would keep people from obtaining compensation for their injuries. Crown, Cork & Seal is the most recent company that has tried to use the Washington Legislature to erase its liability to Washington asbestos victims. Washington residents won this time, but we anticipate other companies will continue to try to use the legislative process and bankruptcy courts to limit or erase their liability to victims of asbestos related diseases.

To further educate the public and gather support for issues regarding asbestos and asbestos related diseases, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization has been promoting Asbestos Awareness Day over the past six years and Asbestos Awareness Week since 2008. You can read more about Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization and the work they are doing on their website or request information by mail from them at Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, 1525 Aviation Boulevard, Suite 318, Redondo Beach, California 90278.